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Mobile phone mast vandalism prompts police investigation in Janakkala, Finland

Tuesday 30th 2024 on 09:33 in  

Over the weekend, a mobile phone mast was knocked down in Janakkala, Finland. One of the supporting cables of the mast was reportedly cut deliberately, prompting police to investigate the incident as aggravated vandalism. Emeritus Professor Matti Tolvanen from the University of Eastern Finland explained that such offenses typically result in significant financial losses, which can amount to tens or even hundreds of thousands of euros.

The penalties for aggravated vandalism range from four months to four years in prison, and should it be determined that the act was motivated by terrorism, the maximum sentence could increase to six years. Jaakko Wallenius, the security director at Elisa, a telecommunications company, did not comment on the cost of repairing the disrupted mast, stating that it is not a significant sum for a large company. He did note that the quality of mobile services has decreased for a small number of residents in the area due to the incident. The police investigation is ongoing, and Elisa has not commented on related matters.

Both Tolvanen and Professor Minna Kimpimäki from Lapland University stated they could not recall similar cases in Finland, though Kimpimäki mentioned acts of vandalism that have affected railway networks. The discussion highlighted that while acts of vandalism are sometimes committed by minors, legal responsibility begins at age 15, with possible financial liability extending to younger offenders. Finally, Tolvanen suggested that the classification of the crime could still change, noting a specific charge for serious disruption of telecommunications might apply, punishable by up to five years in prison.

(via yle.fi)