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Prime Minister invites all parties to collaborate on future political agenda in Sweden

Tuesday 30th 2024 on 06:23 in  
Faroe Islands

The Prime Minister has called for the inclusion of all political parties, including those in opposition, as the future political agenda takes shape.

He emphasized that the time for bloc politics is over, stating that some issues are too significant to be addressed solely through party-driven agendas. “We extend an invitation to all parties to come to the table,” he said.

The Prime Minister expressed a willingness to collaborate and sought consensus on key issues in his statement to the parliament today.

He highlighted several critical areas for discussion, including long-term sustainability, the housing market, foreign policy capabilities, immigration policy, and how to integrate the southern islands with the rest of the archipelago.

“The most important aspect is achieving broad agreements on sustainability and the welfare of children,” he noted. Ensuring sustainability requires long-term solutions, which in turn depend on sustained agreements.

Together with the Minister of Finance, the Prime Minister announced plans to convene all parties for a meeting after the national holiday in early August.

(via kvf.fo)