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Climber rescued from Romsdalshorn mountain in Norway

Monday 29th 2024 on 17:53 in  

A female climber became stranded while hiking with another woman in their 30s at Romsdalshorn, a well-known mountain in Norway, standing at 1,550 meters above sea level. The incident was reported around 3:30 PM, with police noting that only one of the climbers remained stuck while the other informed them of the situation.

Shortly before 4 PM, authorities announced that the climber had been secured and was on her way to safety. Another climber from a different group reached her and ensured she was safe. Although a rescue helicopter was dispatched by the Southern Norway Joint Rescue Coordination Center, it turned back once the climber was safely retrieved. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.

Svein Oscar Skilleås from Bergen was in the area for climbing on the afternoon of the incident. He and two companions heard a woman calling for help while descending from the climbing area known as Hornaksla. After recognizing the situation, they ascended back to assist her.

According to Skilleås, the stranded climber was on a ledge and far from the next safety point. He managed to secure her and help her down safely, emphasizing that no one wants accidents to occur during such excursions.

Romsdalshorn continues to be a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts in Rauma municipality.

(via nrk.no)