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Norwegian representative calls for urgent action on medication shortages as 550,000 citizens struggle to access necessary drugs

Monday 29th 2024 on 17:53 in  

Erlend Svardal Bøe, a representative from the Conservative Party (H), has called on the Norwegian government to take urgent action to ensure adequate access to necessary medications for its citizens. A recent survey by the Norwegian Pharmacy Association indicated that nearly 550,000 Norwegians are unable to obtain the medications they need. Bøe is advocating for larger emergency stockpiles of medicines, expedited approval processes for new drugs, and a new comprehensive drug policy report.

However, State Secretary Ellen Rønning-Arnesen from the Labour Party (Ap) contends that the government has already implemented several measures to address the issue of drug shortages and has no plans for a new drug policy report. She acknowledges the global nature of the medication supply crisis but believes the government is making effective progress in reducing the time it takes to approve new medications.

Bøe expressed concern after learning about a local politician in Arendal struggling to access medications for her sick family members. He emphasized the seriousness of the situation, stating it is unacceptable that patients must struggle to find life-saving medications.

As part of recent government actions, the Ministry has introduced medicinal rationing, which has affected ADHD medications, weight-loss drugs, and children’s antibiotics. Despite these efforts, Bøe insists more needs to be done, including greater surveillance and stockpiling of essential medications.

While Rønning-Arnesen points to the government’s existing initiatives, Bøe insists on the necessity for a new policy report to comprehensively address medication availability, as the last one was presented nearly a decade ago. He argues that ongoing shortages require a renewed focus and immediate governmental intervention.

(via nrk.no)