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Mobile phone towers increasingly targeted for vandalism in Finland

Monday 29th 2024 on 15:08 in  

In recent years, mobile phone towers in Finland have increasingly become targets of vandalism, primarily related to thefts. Seppo Pekonen, head of security at DNA, reported that copper and batteries are often stolen from these stations. Kalle Kaasalainen, security director at Telia, confirmed annual incidents of break-ins and vandalism, stating, “It is unfortunately common.”

Currently, Hämeen police are investigating a case of malicious damage where a mobile station in Janakkala was deliberately knocked down during the night from Saturday to Sunday. According to Jaakko Wallenius, security director at Elisa, while there is some vandalism directed at mobile tower structures, actions impacting mobile network operations are rare.

Pekonen mentioned that mobile stations are fenced whenever possible, and critical locations in mobile networks are well protected. However, individual break-ins tend to occur in difficult-to-monitor locations. He emphasized that continuous physical surveillance is not feasible for every site, even though standard monitoring systems are in place.

While the incidence of mobile tower collapses in Finland is extremely rare, both Pekonen and Kaasalainen could not recall any significant incidents during their careers, aside from one mishap involving construction machinery.

Operators encourage the public to report any vandalism they observe at mobile stations, as local damages usually do not disrupt mobile services. Telia’s Kaasalainen urged citizens to inform authorities if they notice any vandalism or damage at such sites. The outcome of ongoing police investigations may lead to new security recommendations for mobile stations.

(via yle.fi)