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Children invited to share frightening childhood tales for Yle project in Finland

Monday 29th 2024 on 14:39 in  

Near microwave ovens, there is a risk of exposure to radiation, and it’s advised not to roll your eyes, as they may remain that way. Throughout history, children have been frightened by various tales. Often, these attempts at scaring children stem from a desire to protect them, whether to keep them from going into the water alone or to be cautious around strangers. Sometimes, these fears linger even into adulthood.

Were you frightened as a child? If so, how? We invite you to share your experiences with us by filling out the form below, where we are collecting stories from different generations about the ways children have been scared. The information will be used solely for journalistic purposes and will be accessible only to the content creators. Personal data will not be shared with outside parties. We may reach out to respondents for further details.

The form is created using the Google Forms account of Yle, and the privacy statement can be found on their website. You can respond by Thursday, August 1, 2024.

How were you scared in your childhood? Describe the experiences or methods used to frighten you. Who scared you? How did it affect you? What are your thoughts on those scary experiences now? Do you scare your own children or the children of friends? Why or why not?

Your name will not be published without your consent. We ask for your birth year to determine if there are differences in experiences across generations.

Please provide your city of residence and a phone number, as we need contact details for publication purposes. Would you be willing to be interviewed on this topic for video? Yes/No.

Please submit your response via email.

(via yle.fi)