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Clown Aðalsteinn Bergdal contemplates retirement after fifty years of entertaining in Hrísey

Monday 29th 2024 on 13:13 in  

A renowned clown is contemplating retirement after a remarkable fifty-year career in the entertainment industry. The actor, Aðalsteinn Bergdal, who portrays the beloved character Skralli, believes that the essence of clowning is an innate talent that cannot be taught in any school. However, he acknowledges that parting ways with his performance persona after such a long and joyful companionship is challenging.

Aðalsteinn was transitioning into his clown character when contacted by a local news team at his home in Hrísey. Known for delighting both children and adults, Skralli has become a fixture in the community. He emphasizes that the ability to entertain as a clown is a natural gift, akin to the skills of actors, and not everyone possesses this talent.

During annual festivities such as the Hrísey festival, Skralli engages children in fun activities, helping them find their “wish stones,” which they cherish and share their secrets with. This connection gives him immense joy, especially when he hears stories of grown children who still hold onto their childhood wish stones.

At a recent event in Húnavatn, Skralli entertained the younger generation, but he equally enjoys performing for adults, a facet of his work he has consistently pursued alongside children’s entertainment.

As he reflects on his fifty-year journey, Aðalsteinn expresses the difficulty of saying goodbye to his colorful alter ego. He muses whether he should continue performing as Skralli until the end, hinting at the deep affection he holds for both the character and the joy it brings to so many.

(via ruv.is)