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Finnish Police Authority projects over 6,200 firearm licenses to be revoked in 2023

Monday 29th 2024 on 12:03 in  

The Finnish Police Authority estimates that more than 6,200 firearm licenses will be revoked this year. This projection is based on data from the first four months of the year, during which 2,003 revocation and confiscation decisions were made—significantly higher than the 1,535 licenses revoked during the same period last year. The number of revoked licenses has been increasing annually, although it has remained below 5,000 per year until now.

Licenses can be revoked for several reasons, primarily:

1. **Health Issues**: There are approximately 1.5 million licensed firearms in Finland, with nearly 25% belonging to individuals over 70. This aging factor is a challenge for the police, as health problems may justify revocation. Doctors are instructed to inquire about their patients’ firearm licenses and are obliged to report patients with memory issues to the police. Annually, health-related revocation considerations affect around 1,000 licenses.

2. **Criminal Activity**: Committing a crime can result in losing a firearm license, especially violent crimes. Even a single altercation at a public place could potentially lead to revocation. The police expect license holders to demonstrate good conduct, as gun owners are kept under close observation due to the nature of firearms.

3. **Severe Drunk Driving**: While driving under the influence is not directly related to firearm licenses, serious offenses can trigger revocation processes. If a driver has multiple incidents of DUI, police will consider revoking their firearm license, viewing such behavior as indicative of a lack of control.

4. **Inappropriate Behavior**: The most common cause for revoking licenses is inappropriate behavior, often signaled by arrests. According to general guidelines, two arrests within two years may lead to a revocation review, although aggressive behavior alone can prompt police intervention.

In instances of domestic disturbances, the police will assess the situation on site; threats to safety can result in immediate revocation processes. Ultimately, the police and administrative courts define what constitutes good or bad behavior regarding license retention. Decisions by the police on firearm licenses are always subject to appeal.

(via yle.fi)