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Halla Tómasdóttir announces car discount ahead of inauguration as president of Iceland

Monday 29th 2024 on 10:23 in  

Halla Tómasdóttir, the incoming president of Iceland, announced that she received a 7.5% discount on her recent car purchase from Brimborg due to repeated business and cash payment. She asserted that the discount was unrelated to any publicity surrounding the transaction, which she claimed occurred without her knowledge.

Halla shared that she paid 7,280,000 Icelandic krónur for a new Volvo, which she purchased alongside her husband, Björn Skúlason. In her statement on Facebook, she clarified that she did not receive special promotional offers in exchange for publicly advertising her purchase, countering any speculation regarding the nature of the discount.

Halla is set to be officially inaugurated as president on Thursday, with a public ceremony scheduled at Austurvöllur beginning at 3 PM, which will be broadcast live on RÚV. It was previously reported that Egill Jóhannsson, the CEO of Brimborg, will be among the guests at Halla’s inauguration. She indicated that Egill was included on the guest list well in advance of the car purchase, highlighting his prior involvement and support for her candidacy, as well as his backing for other political campaigns.

(via ruv.is)