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Vocational training fund proposal by Fakfeløgini Samverk and Havnar Handverkarafelag in Denmark

Sunday 28th 2024 on 12:48 in  
Faroe Islands

Fakfeløgini Samverk and Havnar Handverkarafelag are advocating for the establishment of a vocational training fund supported by both employers and employees.

They propose that the ALS (The Labour Market Fund) could manage such a fund, which would play a vital role in vocational education and training. One of the primary functions of the fund would be to provide wage compensation to employers when their apprentices are attending school.

The governing board of the fund would determine the percentage of wage compensation, which could range from 70% to 100%.

In addition, the fund could finance examiners and the Vocational Department. Its scope would include all costs related to vocational training, excluding the direct operating costs of the schools themselves.

The associations have also noted that a proposed reduction in contributions to the ALS board of 0.2 percentage points could be redirected to the vocational training fund. This could potentially increase the total contribution to 0.4 or 0.5 percentage points.

Furthermore, the organizations suggest an establishment fee of 100 million Danish Kroner from the ALS to support the fund’s initial setup.

(via kvf.fo)