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Rats surge in Copenhagen as heavy rainfall drives pests into homes

Sunday 28th 2024 on 06:28 in  

This summer has been unusually wet, leading to increased issues for pest control professionals across the country. Claus Shultz, the technical director at Rentokil Pest Control and chairman of the Pest Control Association, reports that many members are experiencing more rat problems than usual during this peak summer period. The heavy rainfall has filled drainage systems and rat burrows with water, prompting rats to seek dry shelter, often heading towards buildings.

Rats fundamentally require food, water, and dry nesting sites. If they are unable to find dry areas, they will venture closer to the surface in search of new nesting opportunities, explains Rolf Bekker Ravnskov, a senior consultant specializing in rats.

With the surge in rat-related issues, companies like Ølands Kloakmester are responding to calls from residents in the Copenhagen area up to six times a day—an increase of 40-50% compared to the previous year. Casper Øland, the owner, attributes this rise to the extensive rainfall, which fills sewers with water, driving rats out of their habitats. Similar trends are noted at Toxin Pest Control, which has reported a 15% rise in rat complaints this year compared to last.

Municipalities have not seen a corresponding increase in reported rat sightings, possibly due to the prevalence of nature and heavy rainfall in certain areas rather than urban environments. However, Aalborg Municipality has observed a rising trend in rat numbers, while Gentofte reported a spike in complaints compared to last year.

To prevent rat infestations, homeowners are advised to inspect their properties and eliminate potential hiding spots, ensuring doors and windows are secured and removing food waste and debris.

(via dr.dk)