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Glacial outburst flood prompts closure of Ring Road in Iceland

Saturday 27th 2024 on 20:48 in  

A significant glacial outburst flood has begun from Mýrdalsjökull in Iceland, prompting the closure of the Ring Road from Vík to Kirkjubæjarklaustri due to safety concerns. Experts suggest that this is unlikely to indicate volcanic activity; however, the scale of the flood is noted to be much larger than a similar event in 2011.

Reports indicate that there are visible damages to the road near Skálmar Bridge, although the bridge itself remains standing for now. Local authorities are taking precautions by evacuating areas near Sólheimajökull and have implemented road closures over potential flood zones. This includes closures from Höfðabrekka in Mýrdal to the east towards Meðallandsafleggjara, as well as Hrífunesvegur and Öldufellsleið routes.

Benedikt Ófeigsson, a specialist at the Icelandic Meteorological Office, deemed the flood comparable in magnitude to previous events in Múlakvísl from 2011 and 1955. He noted that while flows appear to be diminishing, there remains uncertainty regarding the total volume of water still expected to surge downriver.

Johannes Gissurarson, a farmer in Álftaver, commented on the unprecedented nature of this flood, noting extensive water spread over approximately 30 kilometers near the Skálmar River.

Drones have captured footage revealing the extent of roadway damage. Authorities advise the public to avoid areas near the glacier, emphasizing the need for caution as conditions continue to evolve. The situation is ongoing, and government agencies are continuously assessing the risks associated with this event.

(via ruv.is)