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Importance of diverse food options highlighted at Qstock music festival in Oulu

Saturday 27th 2024 on 19:38 in  

Attendees at the Qstock music festival in Oulu emphasize the importance of hearty food options, with about 40,000 visitors over two days enjoying a diverse culinary scene. The festival has centralized its food offerings across two locations and features 14 different stalls, providing a variety of choices including traditional burgers, loaded fries, Georgian khachapuri, and Greek cuisine. Festival-goers, such as locals Ida-Neea Heiskari and Veera Lehtopuro, have praised the extensive range of food available.

Timo Lappi, CEO of the Finnish Hospitality and Restaurant Association Mara, noted that food services at festivals have increasingly played a significant role. A survey conducted a few years ago revealed that restaurant services contribute an average of 30-50% to festival revenue. “The importance and variety of food and drinks have grown, with different vendors offering their specialized dishes,” Lappi stated.

Qstock Food Manager Pirjo Palonen confirmed that festival-goers are demanding more diverse options, including vegetarian dishes alongside meat offerings. “Vegetarian food is on the rise, and we need to ensure it’s available at all stalls every year, while still keeping traditional favorites,” she explained. Attendee Tuuli Turunen expressed satisfaction with the availability of vegetarian choices, noting that every stall seemed to offer at least one option.

Many visitors view the festival’s food as a more indulgent fare. Local attendees Maria and Pekka Luokkanen praised the availability of “comfort food,” while fellow festival-goers Juho Rautio and Janne Vihattula echoed this sentiment, describing the ideal festival food as “junk food and ice cream.” Lari Lämsä, a chef from Oulu’s Kauppuri 5 hamburger stall, emphasized that patrons usually gravitate toward greasy, energy-boosting options, noting that, while some prefer lighter fare, the demand tends to lean toward rich grilled foods.

(via yle.fi)