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Crowd gathers for illegal drag racing event in Pirkanmaa, Finland

Saturday 27th 2024 on 18:08 in  

A crowd gathers quietly at the edge of a street in an industrial area. At the end of an empty stretch, two cars await permission to accelerate. Illegal drag racing events occur several times a year in Pirkanmaa, Finland, while such activities are still relatively uncommon in the country. This article provides a glimpse into the Uncop car event.

Known as the Underground Night Cruising of Pirkanmaa (Uncop), the gatherings have been organized since 2018, with 7 to 8 events held annually. The event consists of various segments, starting with car enthusiasts gathering at locations such as gas station parking lots to display their vehicles. The final segment is the drag strip where two cars or motorbikes race to see who can reach the finish line first.

The event is inclusive, welcoming all types of vehicles and participants of all ages, though the average age of attendees is around 30. The atmosphere is lively, with over a hundred cars and even more people filling the parking lots during gatherings.

While the event organizer, whose identity remains confidential due to its illegal nature, emphasizes the need for a space where enthusiasts can showcase their vehicles, illegal activities arise as the races involve excessive speeding on closed roads without prior notification to authorities. Despite this, participation in the events is not illegal.

The organizer acknowledges working hard to maintain safety at the events, sharing that incidents typically occur during transitions between locations, but never on the drag strip itself.

Police presence has increased at these gatherings, usually questioning the organizer in attempts to thwart such events. However, the sense of community among participants remains a vital aspect of Uncop, which serves as a meeting ground for car enthusiasts to connect, share, and celebrate their passion.

(via yle.fi)