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Icelandic family meets French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris restaurant

Saturday 27th 2024 on 17:48 in  

An Icelandic family had an unexpected encounter with French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte Macron, while dining at Bistro des Lettres in Paris. On a Tuesday, during their brief two-day stay in the city after traveling from Sicily, the family was enjoying their meal when they noticed the presidential couple entering, accompanied by a group of security personnel.

According to Þorgerður Sigurðardóttir, she turned to her husband, Sveinbjörn Dagnýjarson, exclaiming, “I think Macron has arrived,” though he was initially skeptical. The family had made a reservation at the restaurant, known for its traditional French cuisine, which accommodates only about ten tables.

The Macron couple dined leisurely, and as they were leaving, Þorgerður asked a security guard if her daughter, Hilma Soffía Sveinbjarnardóttir, could take a photo with them. She was pleased to find that the request was met positively, with Brigitte assisting Hilma Soffía in standing up for the picture. Þorgerður noted that both Emmanuel and Brigitte greeted everyone in the restaurant warmly, displaying a down-to-earth demeanor.

The same day saw the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in Paris, but the family had already returned home. Þorgerður mentioned that they observed a significant presence of security and road closures throughout the city during their visit.

(via ruv.is)