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Union Party proposes autonomous status for Faroe Islands within kingdom

Saturday 27th 2024 on 14:18 in  
Faroe Islands

The Faroe Islands should be an autonomous territory within the kingdom. This is the key message of a proposal put forth by the Union Party, titled “New Union.”

The Union Party stated in a morning press release that the Home Rule Act has served the Faroe Islands well, but now there is a need for further development. The party aims to achieve this with a new self-governance law, designed to be modern and capable of guiding the islands into the future.

According to the party’s announcement, the “New Union” proposal seeks to update and modernize the legal framework governing the relationship with the kingdom, building on both the Home Rule Act and the foreign policy authorization law.

“The self-governance law should serve as the framework for our own politics and for our role and contribution to the overall policy of the Danish kingdom. The Union Party believes that through close and beneficial cooperation, it is possible to find a new solution for the Faroe Islands as an autonomous territory within the kingdom,” the party stated in the press release.

The Union Party has invited the public to a press conference on Wednesday, July 31, at 10 a.m., where the “New Union” proposal will be presented.

(via kvf.fo)