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Cockroaches discovered in renal department of Landspítalinn prove resilient

Saturday 27th 2024 on 13:28 in  

Cockroaches discovered in the renal department of Landspítalinn have proven to be much more resilient than hospital staff initially anticipated. Reports indicate that these pests were still active as recently as mid-July. Hospital representatives express hope that they have finally managed to eliminate them.

The cockroaches, believed to be of German origin, were brought in by a foreign traveler whose luggage had been infested. Following their discovery early in the summer, medical staff believed they had successfully eradicated the insects. However, they were later found crawling within a specific room in the renal department.

Guðmundur Þór Sigurðsson, head of property and environmental services at Landspítalinn, explained that the cockroaches did not spread throughout the hospital but remained confined to one area and multiplied there. After extensive pesticide treatments, he assures that they should now be dead. Additionally, a new protocol has been implemented for handling international patients, requiring their luggage to be inspected in a designated area far removed from patient wards.

(via ruv.is)