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Häiriö Piirinen reflects on Maj Karma’s disbandment during interview in Pori, Finland

Saturday 27th 2024 on 12:53 in  

In a surprising twist, Häiriö Piirinen, the barefoot rock musician, leads an interview along a forest path in the middle of an industrial area in Pori, Finland. He chooses this unconventional setting because he finds it “stranger.” Embracing the concept of oddity has always been important to him. This philosophy has also fueled internal conflicts regarding the commercial success of his band, Maj Karma.

After more than 30 years in the industry, Piirinen admits that artistic compromises have been necessary. When asked about his future music aspirations, he responds dismissively, expressing a desire to create “as style-less as possible.” Despite ambiguous remarks, it is clear that the decision to disband Maj Karma was not his own.

Formed in 1992 in the small industrial town of Harjavalta, Maj Karma carved out a place in Finnish rock, achieving significant success by the early 2000s. Their name was shortened to Maj Karma in 2004, and they reached a peak in 2006 when their album “Ukkonen” topped Finland’s charts. Nonetheless, after lead vocalist Herra Ylppö announced a solo album and the band faced prolonged breaks between performances, the decision to dissolve the band was made official in August 2023.

Piirinen sees the disbandment as a waste, voicing his frustration over abandoning years of hard work that led to a well-functioning unit. “It’s absurd to quit,” he said. In contrast, Ylppö has expressed that he can no longer contribute fully and believes that life should be about adventure and change, questioning why they should continue at all.

Maj Karma’s final performance will take place at their own Karmarock festival in Harjavalta on July 27.

(via yle.fi)