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Norwegian influencer Johannes Uthaug shares tips for affordable travel using self-transfer method

Saturday 27th 2024 on 08:53 in  

One of the popular Norwegian travel influencers, Johannes Uthaug, known as “Snusleppa” on TikTok, shares travel tips aimed at helping people find affordable ways to explore distant destinations. Uthaug encourages his followers to step outside their comfort zones and discover new places.

He promotes a method called “self-transfer,” which involves purchasing two separate flight tickets with sufficient layover time between them. This approach can make traveling more enjoyable, as it gives travelers a chance to experience hidden gems along the way. For example, by using this method, travelers can secure a trip from Oslo to Marrakech for under NOK 500 by booking a Ryanair flight to London for approximately NOK 200 and then a Wizz Air flight to Marrakech.

While this method can lead to significant savings, experts advise travelers to allow ample time between flights to ensure they are covered by insurance. It is generally recommended to allow at least two hours for layovers. However, there are risks involved, including the logistical challenges of dealing with two separate airlines, which could mean handling different boarding passes and check-in procedures. If a delay occurs, travelers may have to purchase a new ticket if they miss their connecting flight.

Uthaug himself shares that he frequently travels with multiple layovers to reduce costs. For an upcoming trip to Japan, he plans to visit several cities, including Bishkek, Almaty, and Ulan Bator, before arriving in Tokyo. He estimates that he will only spend around NOK 6,000, significantly less than a direct ticket would cost. Despite the potential challenges, Uthaug believes that careful planning has allowed him to travel using this method hundreds of times without missing any flights.

(via nrk.no)