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Rise in violent crime among young girls observed in Sweden

Saturday 27th 2024 on 06:18 in  

Statistics indicate that men and boys continue to dominate the figures on violent crime, but a notable shift is occurring. Over the past decade, the number of girls aged 15 to 17 charged with violent offenses has increased by 15%. Police have also observed this trend, noting a rise in reports of younger girls committing violent acts.

Carin Götblad, a police chief, mentions that incidents often involve groups of girls targeting another girl they know. She describes this phenomenon as a troubling cultural shift, highlighting an increasing glorification and normalization of violence among youth.

Jenny Yourstone, a psychologist, echoes these sentiments, suggesting that the normalizing of violence may be spreading through social media, often manifesting in graphic videos showing violent acts.

There are distinctions in how girls and boys commit violent crimes. Yourstone points out that young girls typically target acquaintances, and their motives are often related to personal relationships. In contrast, boys may commit acts against strangers. However, despite the rising numbers, it remains relatively rare for young girls and women to engage in severe violence compared to their male counterparts.

Yourstone warns that the rates of violent crime among young girls could continue to rise, stating that reversing this trend will take time. Consequently, more girls and women may become involved in criminal activities in the future.

(via svt.se)