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Cockroaches persist in Landspítali, Iceland’s largest hospital, raising concerns about cleanliness

Friday 26th 2024 on 21:38 in  

Cockroaches found in the kidney department of Landspítali, Iceland’s largest hospital, have proven to be more resilient than staff anticipated. The insects were discovered earlier this summer, having emerged from a travel bag belonging to an international patient. As late as mid-July, they were still reported to be crawling around the department.

According to hospital representatives, the cockroaches, said to be of German origin, were thought to be eliminated following extensive extermination efforts. However, they had managed to establish themselves in one specific room rather than spreading across the hospital.

The hospital’s facilities and environment service manager noted that procedures for receiving foreign patients have now been updated. Patients’ luggage is to be inspected in a designated area away from the main hospital facilities to prevent future occurrences.

This incident highlights the challenges hospitals face in managing cleanliness and safety, particularly with imported pests. As health organizations work to ensure no remnants of the cockroaches remain, there is hope that this situation has been thoroughly addressed.

(via ruv.is)