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Mackerel bonanza captivates anglers along Jutland West Coast in Denmark

Friday 26th 2024 on 18:08 in  

Under a calm east wind, a dense band of small fish stretches for kilometers along the shore, creating an unusual spectacle. Suddenly, chaos erupts as a large school of mackerel launches a frenzied attack on the defenseless sprats, sending them leaping into the air in terror. Seagulls swoop down from above, further complicating the turmoil, resulting in a scene filled with sharp teeth, beaks, and dead fish on the surface. This captures the essence of a mackerel bonanza.

Currently, such phenomena can be witnessed along the entire Jutland West Coast, which is experiencing an extraordinary influx of sprats this summer. Kaare Ebert, a biologist with the Denmark Sports Fishing Association, recently observed this event while fishing at Nymindegab. He describes seeing a dark band of fish sprawling along the coast and remarked, “I walked almost a kilometer along a ten-meter-wide strip of small herring or sprats.”

Anglers across the West Coast are capitalizing on these sizable schools of fish while trying to predict the timing of the mackerel bonanza. Kristian Pavleka, a local angler, notes that you can catch something with every cast.

The beaches and jetties near Hvide Sande have been bustling with anglers all summer in pursuit of mackerel. Pavleka offers tips for those wanting to catch up to 30 mackerel an hour, including monitoring social media for real-time fishing reports and ensuring proper cooling measures for the fresh catch.

Ebert believes the large schools of sprats indicate a healthier fish population, possibly linked to rising sea temperatures or more sustainable commercial fishing practices. He emphasizes that he has never witnessed such massive schools of young fish before.

(via dr.dk)