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Sweden faces increasing wildfire risk due to climate change impacts

Thursday 25th 2024 on 20:14 in  

As Sweden’s climate continues to warm due to climate change, soil drought is becoming more prevalent. This leads to longer dry periods and an increased risk of wildfires. The risk of fire is rising across the country, with the most significant increase observed in southeastern Sweden, according to a study conducted by SMHI.

The study explored the connection between rising emissions and the heightened risk of fires. Peter Berg, head of hydrological research at SMHI and project leader for the study, noted that the season for wildfires is becoming increasingly intense as climate change worsens. However, if emissions are reduced, it could mitigate the severity of this trend, Berg stated.

“The increased risk of fire is one of many consequences of climate change that we must acknowledge and adapt to now. We know that the fire risk will rise in the future, even if we succeed in reducing our emissions. It is crucial that we take action now to prevent the situation from becoming too dramatic,” he emphasized.

The findings highlight the urgent need for proactive measures to address the escalating risks associated with climate change and environmental degradation in Sweden.

(via svt.se)