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Flooding impacts Seinäjoki Central Hospital’s M building for second time this summer

Thursday 25th 2024 on 16:14 in  

The Seinäjoki Central Hospital’s M building experienced flooding for the second time this summer after the cover of a stormwater inspection hatch failed on Wednesday evening. The flooding is attributed to inadequate preparation for heavy rainfall events, which should have been considered during the building’s design phase.

“During the planning phase, it was not anticipated that Seinäjoki could experience such heavy downpours. Similar storms have not been seen here before,” stated Sari Hautala, CEO of the property company overseeing M building.

The previous flooding incident occurred in June when the hospital was inundated across hundreds of square meters following a thunderstorm and torrential rain. Hautala clarified that there is no construction defect in the building per se. However, she noted that the pipes designed to carry rainwater were made from substandard materials that have failed to withstand the volumes of water produced during this summer’s intense storms.

Hautala reported that the water damage has not disrupted hospital operations, although it will incur additional costs for the property. The South Ostrobothnia welfare area tenants the facility, meaning that these issues will not directly impact its finances.

The property management is currently exploring moisture assessment options and potential remedial actions to address the problems.

(via yle.fi)