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Helsinki allows toplessness at beaches to promote equality among residents

Thursday 25th 2024 on 09:48 in  

In Helsinki, everyone is allowed to be topless at the beach, regardless of gender. The city quietly established this guideline last summer, permitting women to go without tops at beaches. This was previously reported by Kuntalehti and Helsingin Sanomat earlier in July.

Kerttu Hynni, head of Helsinki’s local sports team, noted that there had been inquiries and feedback on the subject in previous years. Discussions about women’s toplessness at beaches were particularly prominent in Finland, coinciding with feminist activists organizing flashmob events that garnered media attention. Hynni commented, “I believe it sparked significant conversations about this topic.”

Historically, public discourse surrounding toplessness was virtually nonexistent. According to Hynni, no one has ever complained about it during her three years in the role and her previous tenure as a lifeguard. “I must say, in my career, I have never encountered a situation where someone expressed that toplessness was disturbing,” she stated.

Issues were generally raised about complete nudity, often linked to problematic behavior and alcohol consumption, Hynni explained. The city, however, decided to clarify its stance to ensure equality among residents. “The city’s position is equality for all citizens,” Hynni added.

The lack of complaints also influenced the decision to announce the policy subtly last year. Since no one had voiced concerns, the city did not find it necessary to publicize the change.

(via yle.fi)