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Study reveals testosterone enhances female athletic performance in Sweden

Thursday 25th 2024 on 09:34 in  

A recent study led by Jona Elings Knutsson explored the effects of testosterone on female athletic performance, as this area had not been scientifically examined before. The research involved 48 physically fit women aged 18 to 35, half of whom received a testosterone cream while the other half received a placebo.

Participants reported a significant improvement in recovery, with one participant, Gabriella, noting that she felt less fatigued. The group using testosterone registered levels nearly five times higher than normal, with most claiming enhanced performance. The study lasted ten weeks and compared the women’s endurance levels before and after the treatment, revealing an average increase of 8.5% in running performance, despite a low dosage of testosterone.

Interestingly, only two of the 24 women using testosterone creams tested positive in doping tests. Knutsson pointed out that the current testing methods are primarily designed for men, making it challenging to detect doping in women, especially as women’s testosterone levels can fluctuate during their menstrual cycles and contraceptive use.

However, researchers developed a new approach to analyze blood samples during the study. In 2023, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) introduced blood testing protocols for elite athletes, which could also identify doping among amateur athletes, who often lack previously documented levels for comparison. Knutsson expressed optimism for the upcoming Olympics, noting the advancements made in addressing gaps in anti-doping efforts.

(via svt.se)