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Mäenpää builds unique treetop retreat Olokoto in Kiimingin Alakylä, Finland

Tuesday 23rd 2024 on 11:57 in  

Climbing along the swaying suspension bridge, it’s essential to grip the ropes tightly as you make your way to Ilmari Mäenpää’s unique workspace, situated six meters high among the birch and alder trees. Constructed from polycarbonate and plywood, this structure offers stunning views of the nearby Kiiminkijoki River. “This is a space for organizing my thoughts, my time, and my own realm,” says Mäenpää. “Here, I can feel safe, in an open area where I can look far and immerse myself in nature.”

Known as Olokoto, this retreat is located just a stone’s throw from his home in Kiimingin Alakylä. Mäenpää designed the treetop hideaway himself, initially as an art project that later evolved into Olokoto mini-houses, which his company manufactures in Oulu, primarily for tourism.

The decision to build his mental refuge above ground, eleven years ago, was influenced by the nearby Kiiminkijoki. “That was the first winter here by the shoreline. In 2013, a significant flood severely damaged another prototype, and I thought I should elevate it enough to avoid flooding,” he explains, assuring that the structure is safe from collapsing, even though the bridge sways beneath visitors.

Mäenpää constructed the retreat at his own risk, noting that obtaining building permits for tree structures in Finland is complicated, as officials are hesitant to take responsibility for calculations involving natural materials. He reflects on the essential need for pause and personal space, noting his multi-faceted career as a composer, artist, CEO, and creative thinker, driven by a childlike curiosity that he’s keen to maintain.

(via yle.fi)