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Former security manager charged with serious traffic offenses in Rauma

Monday 22nd 2024 on 15:17 in  

A former security manager in Rauma has been charged with serious traffic offenses, including endangering traffic safety, aggravated driving under the influence, operating a vehicle without a license, and resisting arrest. The manager was terminated during their probationary period, with the employment ending immediately last Friday.

According to anonymous sources, the security manager was caught driving under the influence last Wednesday and fled from police. The incident was confirmed by Rauma’s mayor, Esko Poikela, and details were disclosed by the Southwest Finland police last week. The driver allegedly evaded police by running two red lights, driving through landscaped areas, and along a pedestrian walkway. The chase ended when the driver exited the road and collided with a post. The individual was arrested but released after questioning.

Mayor Poikela expressed his surprise at the recent DUI allegations but indicated that this incident was not the reason for the termination. “The decision to end the probation was based on personal reasons and the performance in their job,” he stated, noting that this decision had been made prior to the latest events. He did not elaborate on whether these personal reasons were related to alcohol use.

The manager previously received a conditional sentence for aggravated DUI in 2017, which was known to the city at the time of recruitment. Poikela explained, “We believed sufficient time had passed so that this would not affect the individual’s job performance.” Moreover, he was unaware that the security manager had a driving ban until he learned about it from a reporter. In 2015, the manager was also convicted of a service offense while working at the Border Guard. Attempts to reach the dismissed security manager have been unsuccessful.

(via yle.fi)