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Summer sports events boost gambling activity in Denmark, raising addiction concerns

Tuesday 16th 2024 on 07:06 in  

This summer has brought an unusually high number of major sports events, including the European Football Championship, Tour de France, Wimbledon, and the Summer Olympics, attracting Danish sports fans. This enthusiasm has also translated into increased gambling activity in Denmark.

Data from Danske Spil, the largest gambling provider on the Danish market, indicates a significant rise in the number of Danes participating in betting this year. During the initial weeks of summer, 158,000 Danes played on Danske Spil’s platform, twice as many as the same period last year and a 5% increase compared to the preliminary rounds of the European Football Championship in 2021.

Kate Jacquerot, Legal Director at Danske Spil, stated that there is a noticeable increase in betting when major sports events take place. Danske Bank’s data supports this claim, showing betting consumption approximately 50% higher when Denmark plays in the European Championship.

However, this surge in gambling is cause for concern for Henrik Thrane Brandt, the head of the Center for Gambling Addiction. He fears that the increased exposure to gambling due to summer sports events could lead to more people developing gambling addiction.

Despite the increased number of gamblers, Danske Spil’s data shows that individuals are betting 25% less on average compared to the previous European Championship. This decrease is attributed to various responsibility measures implemented by the company in recent years.

Nonetheless, Brandt remains concerned about the growing number of Danes engaging in gambling. He highlights that while betting is not inherently problematic, it becomes an issue for those who struggle to control it.

Data from Danske Bank indicates that it is particularly men, mainly in their twenties, who are placing bets.

A report released by the Danish Gambling Authority two years ago revealed a significant increase in the number of Danes with gambling problems. Over five years, the number of Danes with varying degrees of gambling addiction doubled to 478,000.

While Danske Spil monitors its players and does not worry about a potential rise in gambling problems due to the summer sports events, the Center for Gambling Addiction expresses concern that increased exposure to gambling could lead to more people becoming addicted.