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Climate debates strain family dynamics in Denmark, experts observe

Monday 15th 2024 on 06:16 in  

Climate consciousness and lifestyle changes due to the environment – such as giving up meat – have caused heated debates in many Danish families over the past few years. Some people are experiencing a disconnect with their families and are spending less time with them due to the emotional strain these disagreements can bring.

This is the observation of experts and several organizations, including the Danish School Students, a group representing the country’s primary school students. The group’s chair, Caroline Helene Hermansen, notices that it’s often the younger and older family members who clash over climate issues.

Parents or grandparents may find it silly that their children or grandchildren refuse to eat meatballs, she says. Younger generations have grown up in the midst of the climate crisis, while their elders haven’t, creating a generational divide. Many young people feel that adults do not acknowledge or listen to their concerns, leading to arguments when they express a desire to make climate-conscious decisions.

The Climate Psychological Youth Association, founded in spring 2023, offers programs where young people and adults can discuss and seek help for climate-related conflicts. They also participate in festivals and give lectures at educational institutions. Co-founder and psychology student Lea Wiggen Kramhøft says many young people struggle with their families over differing responses to the climate crisis.

Most families find a compromise once tempers cool, but for some, these disagreements escalate into full-blown conflicts. This is something that psychotherapists are also observing, according to the Danish Psychotherapist Association.

Climate arguments often arise during mealtimes, with older generations becoming frustrated when younger family members refuse to eat meat, while the latter struggle to understand why meat can’t be replaced with plant-based alternatives. This dynamic can strain relationships, as food preparation is often linked with feelings of love and care.

The climate debate is causing familial tensions, confirms Michael Teit, Deputy Director of Ældre Sagen, an organization for senior citizens. The inability to listen to one another can divide families, with tensions arising from constant criticism of a family member’s lifestyle or complete denial of climate issues, he notes.