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Pigeon euthanized after arrow injury in Rovaniemi, Finland

Wednesday 16th 2024 on 13:05 in  

In Rovaniemi, the suffering of a pigeon pierced by an arrow has come to an end. Veterinarians euthanized the bird on Tuesday. The injured pigeon was first noticed about a week ago by Irma Kuukasjärvi, who spotted it while feeding at her bird feeder. She contacted Ismo Kreivi, a member of the Lapland Ornithological Society, who arrived with a trap for the bird. The pigeon flew into the trap, but Kreivi immediately recognized the severity of the situation and took it to a veterinarian in Rovaniemi.

Based on earlier photos and information, it was unclear whether the arrow had penetrated the bird or was merely entangled in its feathers. However, during the veterinary examination, the extent and seriousness of its injuries were revealed. The arrow had pierced the pigeon’s thigh muscle and was firmly embedded, likely due to the beginning of scar tissue formation.

The bird had clearly suffered, having lost weight, and there was likely an infection from the arrow, according to Kreivi. After evaluating its condition, the veterinarians made the difficult decision to euthanize the pigeon. While attempting to remove the arrow post-mortem, Kreivi noted it did not budge.

The arrow that struck the pigeon was short and sharp-tipped; Kreivi speculated it might have come from a crossbow. Hunting is prohibited near populated areas, and individuals are not allowed to euthanize wildlife, with such actions within municipalities falling under police jurisdiction.

Kreivi expressed sadness over the pigeon’s fate, suggesting it may have grounded from the general disdain toward the species, which is often viewed negatively due to their messiness. He regularly receives reports of injured or unusually behaving birds, emphasizing that incidents like this are often tragic outcomes of accidents or misunderstandings.

(via yle.fi)